When is the best time to perform a soil analysis?
Performing a soil analysis at the end of the growing period, in October / November, makes it possible to establish a real fertilizing and correction plan. All the fertilizer needed for the year can then be planned. The analysis is sometimes done between January and March, but Autumn remains the wisest choice, as corrections can be made depending on the results of the analyses. Supposing there was a lack of potassium or phosphorus: the former can be applied before or in the middle of Winter, and the latter, more mobile, just before Spring. Note that in Agricultural Centres make it possible to perform soil analyses for football pitches at competitive prices.
A fertilizing plan customized for the ground
The annual fertilizing plan is essential to ensure a quality pitch. The balances in the soil actually change from year to year. The levels of potassium and magnesium, for example, will vary according to the weather, in particular. This is why the basis of the plan is the soil analysis. Each period demands different doses and types of fertilizer. It is recommended to add phosphorus at the start of the Winter to help the cells withstand the frost better, and in Summer to combat drought. Furthermore, the fertilizing plan is a guide for determining the quantities of elements demanded by the soil. The benefits: reduced outgoings and an image as an environmentally-friendly club.
An environmentally-friendly football club
Once the soil’s needs are known, clubs’ Head Groundsmen are able to avoid applying excessive doses of harmful chemicals to the ground. Note that increasing restrictions on the use of phosphorus are being put in place. It is an increasingly disparaged chemical element because of the pollution it causes. Today, there are bacteria that make the natural phosphorus in the soil accessible to the plant. It is applied after overseeding. Doing this make it possible to reduce the environmental footprint of a club or a golf course. Give a thought to the image you want to convey!