1Moles are not haemophiliac!
One myth it’s handy to be aware of to avoid wasting your time any more. An enduring rumour claims moles are haemophiliac. As a result, many people make all sorts of traps – equally dangerous for humans and pets – thinking this will rid them of moles. So, forget about using broken glass and other sharp objects in your green spaces – there’s no use trying to injure the moles, and it is not recommended.
2Natural remedies for driving moles away
There are lots of natural remedies going around for driving moles away. Among the commonest and most reliable:
- Dog hair in the tunnels
- Elderberry: either concentrated, directly in the molehills, or branches close to the area to be protected
- The strong odours of garlic or onion (fairly poor reliability, but less toxic than mothballs)
- A stick planted in the entrance to the tunnel
3Mole traps and mole catchers
A mole catcher is by definition a person whose job is to destroy moles. However, there are a few mole catchers who don’t kill the moles, but combat the animal while keeping it alive. In either case, the mole catcher knows the animal and its habits very well, and usually has traps that are environmentally-friendly solutions. Watch a video on a mole trap laid by the mole catcher at the Palace of Versailles with the added bonus of a commentary by the late Jean-Pierre Coffe!
4Moles don’t like noise and ultrasound!
Moles have a highly-developed sense of hearing – unlike their eyesight, which deteriorates as they get older. So moles are extremely sensitive to noise and vibration.
One common method is to position sticks carrying half an upside-down plastic bottle at the entrance to the tunnels. It may not look very attractive, but it’s effective in driving away the moles!
Ultrasonic devices
Another frequently used alternative is to buy ultrasonic devices. These gadgets operate using either solar power or batteries. But watch out, as you’ll need a substantial number of devices to actually get rid of these infernal squatters.
5Repeated mowing!
Yes: mowing drives moles away. However, mowing isn’t going to get rid of them for good. Like all the natural solutions, sound and ultrasound have to be repeated. The solution: repeated mowing?! Yes – but using a robot mower!
That will mean silence but constant ultrasound. And a magnificent lawn to boot – with no effort. Want to find out more about robot mowers?
Discover the Belrobotics ranges of robot mowers. These Masters of the Lawn will solve quite a few of your garden maintenance problems!
Has this summary of tips and myths about getting rid of moles helped you see things a bit more clearly? Don’t hesitate to share this article on social media.